Hybrid Service

The nation's only organization to provide End-to-End cloud services.

Public Cloud Private Cloud Infrastructure Transformation Infra Management Security Dynamic Workplace
IT Infra

Public Cloud

Public clouds deliver IT resources to users from the vendor on a pay-as-you-go basis, rather than requiring customers themselves to build and maintain a physical data center complete with servers. Metanet Tplatform has more than 20 years’ experience in ITO, making it a proven partner in technical support services and data center cloud migrations.

Value provided by the public cloud

  • Cost reduction with IT system improvements

    Improving out-of-date systems through system diagnostics

    Reducing the cost of hardware purchase and maintenance, and data center establishment and operation

  • Excellent scalability and flexible infrastructure operation

    No need to predict demand owning to flexible expansion as occasion demands

    Realizing global services in a short time and easy to enter new markets

Metanet Tplatform public cloud – differentiation points

  • 01

    Gold Partner

    Fully equipped with core capabilities for building the cloud as a Microsoft Gold partner.

  • 02

    No. 1 cloud partner

    having the largest number of Azure application cases among Microsoft enterprise customers

  • 03

    The nation’s largest number of
    in-house Cloud technicians

    Providing development and operation services with the largest number of cloud technical professionals in Korea, including Microsoft MVPs.

IT Solutions

Meet Metanet Tplatform Experts

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